Student Life – North Point School

Student Life

Our Star Performers

Class Xth Toppers 2022

We Congratulate our Class X and XII Students for their Brilliant Results
We Work Hard for your Success



  • Regular in Classes.

  • Punctual to School

  • Polite and Courteous in behavior and speech.

  • Up-to-date with lessons.

  • Fit in school Uniform.

  • Students are required to come to school regularly and timely in full and proper school uniform. (Tidy, neat and Clean).

  • Students are required to come to school well prepared with assigned task, homework, period wise books and note books, other necessaries and the school diary.

  •  Late comers will not be permitted to enter the school premises.

  • Students are not permitted to leave the school campus during school hours without prior permission of the office.

  • Students are required to neatly cover their books and note books and write down their name, standard, section and roll-number on the same.

  • Students are required to be responsible for their belongings. The school will not be responsible for any loss.

  • Loitering or making noise in the school campus are strictly prohibited. 

  • If absent, the same should be recorded in the student’s diary signed by Parent


We expect all students:

  • To be polite, friendly and well behaved in and outside the school.

  • To be honest and truthful.

  • To accept whatever work and responsibility is given with an open heart and mind and to face difficulties with courage and cetermination.

  • To be courteous and sportsman like with opposing teams and with officials on the playground.

  • To wish your Parents, Teachers and those you, ought to wish everyday whenever and wherever you meet them. To show exemplary behavior at all times and at all places.

  • To respect your own property, that of the school and also property belonging to others.


The Purpose of our co-curricular activities is to provide opportunities for the development of the whole person. These activities such as Games and Sports, celebration of National Days, Children’s Day, Teacher’s Day, Drawing Competitions, etc. encourage originality and initiative. These afford an outlet for the child’s energy and enthusiasm, and offer opportunities for the development of individuals talents.


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