Parent Corner – North Point School

Parent Corner


  • The school does not advocate Private tuition 2 Parents should respond to all types of notices sent to them by the school office

  • Parents are requested to see that children wear clean clothes to school. Shirts without buttons, unpolished shoes etc. lead a boy or a girl to adopt slipshod habits. Remarks pertaining to the above are noted in this diary which parents must acknowledge so that remedial measures may be taken.
  • Home work must be done neatly and completed each day and parents should maintain constant touch with the student’s studies.
  • Parents/Guardians and other persons should not visit the classes or meet the teachers during class hours without the approval of the Principal/Vice-Principal.

Parents can pay their wards school fees

  • The school is not responsible for goods lost. Parents/Guardians are advised not to let the student bring valuable pens, watches, gold chains/bangles and other such articles to school. Money should not be lent or borrowed or articles given or exchanged. Books, bags, pencils and tiffin boxes and sweaters should be marked with the student’s name.
  • In a school fighting or hitting out amongst children is reprehensible. Such cases should be promptly reported to the Teacher/Vice-Principal/Principal so that corrective action can be taken immediately.
  • It is the responsibility of Parents/Guardians to notify the school in writing of any change in address/phone number of the local guardian.
  • Parents/Local Guardian are requested to check their ward’s school diary everyday for homework allotment and remarks that may have been made or referred to them as well as to be conversant with all the rules of the school.

  • The School authorities insist that Parents/Guardians take a real and active interest in the academic life of their wards.

  • Gifts to members of the school staff or other expressions in their honour is not allowed.


  • The school will not be lable for any injuries which may be sustained by a student at any time during his/her stay in the school or while taking part in sports. First aid will be given by the school


  • The school conducts three terminal Examinations. The pass mark of each subject is 40%


  • These meetings are held twice a year. A meeting is conducted after the declaration of results of 1st & 2nd term Examination.


  • The school recognises only Father Mother or legality appointed guardians for all matters regarding the student. Private Tutors will not be entertained.


  • Uniform notice will be given at the time of admission. Send your ward to school in neat and clean uniform


  • Students who want to avail transport tacities can do so by paying the transportfees.


  • Student must attend the school regularly.75% attendance is a must to be eligible to appear in the Final Examination. Guardians must send an application for the number of days their ward remains absent from school. In case of absence for a period more than three days the application must be accompanied by a Doctors certificate

  • In case of absence for more than three continuous days a leave application must be submitted to the principal 

  • All students are expected to attend class on the closing day before and also on the opening day after each vacation. 

  • Any student returning to school after an infectious disease, or iliness in excess of five consecutive days, should produce a Registered Doctor’s certificate permitting him/her to attend class. 

  •  A student should have at least a MINIMUM 75% class days attendance per term.

  • No student who is late or has been absent on the previous day will be admitted to the class without the permission of the Principal or those authorised by the Principal. Absence must be explained in a note in the school diary signed by the parent or local guardian on the page provided for absence upto 3 days only. Failure to do so may result in the student being sent home. The School accepts no responsibility if a child is asked to return home for non compliance of any rules of the school.


  • No student is allowed to go out of the school gate without showing the identity card Student must leave the school premisos immediately after the school is over


  • There will be three Examination in each academic year. In addition class tests will be held during all the terms. Students must pass in these tests as the results will be taken into consideration for promotion. The schedule for the tests will be intimated to the students. Every student will be issued an Admit Card for each examination. These admit cards will be available before the commencement of each examination from the school office.

  • Parent/Guardians/Student must collect the Admit Card from the office establishing the clearance of all dues by showing the fee card.

  • Students without Admit Card will on no account be permitted to sit for any examination.


  • In order to pass, a student is required to obtain 40% in all subjects. Failing in English will disqualify a candidate for promotion.

  • Non-attendance in all of the tests shall disqualify a student for promotion. Attendance at all the tests is normally mandatory. There is no provision of any re examination or re-test or any Non-attendance in all of the tests shall disqualify a student for promotion. Attendance at all the tests is normally mandatory. There is no provision of any re-examination or re-test or any

  • Use of unfair means in any examination will result in cancellation of the entire result and attract disciplinary action.


  • Fee Payment Timings 8.30A.M. to 1 P.M. The school fees and other charges are liable to be revised at anytime.

  • All payments must be made by the 10th of each month. Anyone not clearing off arrears within the stipulated time, will be subjected to a late fine of Rs.60

  • The school fees must be paid every month. If you fail to pay your child’s fee for three consecutive months then his/her name will be struck off the rolls. The child will have to be re-admitted by paying the Admission charges. All payment modes are accepted.


  • Parents are personally responsible for reaching their wards to the school or bus stop and also for taking custody of their wards on dismissal from the school or bus stop on every School day.

  • The school will not be liable for the safety and welfare of students after class hours, particularly if students leave the school premises without written permission from the recognised authority. All students must leave or be collected from the school 15 minutes after dismissal every day.

  • Students are forbidden to leave the school premises or ground during regular school hours without written permission from the recognised authority.

  • Parents are expected to co-operate in the work of the school in particular by enforcing regularity and discipline by showing interest in their children’s progress and by extending the fullest encouragement for the student’s extracurricular activities, which is deemed necessary by the school authorities.


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