Our Dairy – North Point School

Our Dairy


  • Children cannot be made good – by making them happy but they can be made happy-by making them good.


  • If a child lives with-criticism he learns to condemn

  • If a child lives with hostility he learns to be shy

  • If a child lives with shame he leams to feel guilty

  • If a child lives with tolerance he leams to be patient

  • If a child lives with praise he learns to appreciate

  • If a child lives with fairness he learns to have faith

  • If a child lives with approval he leams to like himself

  • If a child lives with acceptance and friendship he leams to find love in the world.

Be careful of your thoughts For they become Words

Be careful of your Words For they become actions

Be Careful of your actions For they become character

Be careful of your character For it becomes you


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